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               64   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Summer 2020
               disorders  were  expected  to  rise      In  Britain  (1996)  the  cost
               over the next 20 years (2023).        burden  of  psychosis,  neurosis,
                  Mental  health  should  be  the    and hypertension outweighed all
               concern  of  all,  particularly,      other  ill  health  cost  burden.  In
               governments  and  educational         many developed countries 35%-
               institutions  because  ill  health    45% of absenteeism from work
               affects  individuals,  families,      was  due  to  mental  health
               communities, and society.             problems.
                  The  care  of  physical  health,      Mental  illness  affects  access
               generally, is at the cost of mental   to  the  job  market  and  job
               ill health, which at 13% has the      retention. Poverty and mental ill
               largest  share  of  the  burden  of   health are mutual in their cause
               worldwide diseases/syndromes.         and effect.
                  Of  the  450-million  sufferers,      Patel  and  Kleinman  (2003)
               150-million  alone  suffer  from      have      shown        significant
               depression.  Mental,  physical,       relationship     between      the
               and    social    functioning    is    prevalence  of  common  mental
               interconnected  just  as  mental      disorders  and  low  educational
               disorders and medical illness are     levels  and  that  low  educational
               interrelated.                         level  prevents  access  to  most
                  The  prevalence  of  major         professional    jobs,   increases
               depression in patients with TB is     vulnerability and insecurity, and
               46%,  HIV/AIDS  44%,  and             contributes  to  persistently  low
               hypertension 29%.                     social  capital.  Illiteracy  and
                  Family  members  are  the          illness therefore lock in poverty,
               primary  caregivers  and  they        violence and substance abuse.
               provide emotional, physical, and         This     prevents     poverty
               financial  support.  Governments,     alleviation and development and
               generally,  give  little  or  no      perpetuates  poverty  and  mental
               support    to   sufferers,   who      disorders.
               become victims of human rights           States    and     educational
               violations,      stigma,      and     institutions,   explicitly   and
               discrimination.                       implicitly, can play preventative
                                                     and  curative  roles.  Coordinated
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