Page 68 - Pure Life 23
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The Role of States… H. Aziz  / 67

               exploitation,  which  compels         The  Role  of  States  in
               anti-imperialist states to develop    Defence of their Citizens
               cyberstrategies  to  counter  the     States are obliged to defend and
               exploitation  and  to  advance  the   to  protect  the  rights  of  their
               national interests of their citizens   citizens   to   privacy,    both
               and institutions.                     individual    and    institutional
                  Only  states  can  have  the       citizens,  as  well  as  their  own
               capacities  and  human  and           international sovereignty.
               material  resources  for  the            In  ordinary  civilian  life
               development                   and     citizens transact online-banking,
               implementation                 of     tax computation, and health care
               cyberstrategies.                      and  education  matters-  to
                  The    imperialist   intrusion     mention  only  a  few.  The
               includes      shutting      down      responsibility rests, primarily, on
               connectivity,  interception  of       the     states    to     provide
               emails and e-messages, invasion       cybersecurity at the macro-level
               of  personal  files,  subverting      and  on  citizens,  at  the  micro-
               social  media  for  propaganda        level.
               campaigns,  and  transforming            Cyberattacks  are  not  only
               freedom to anarchy of CST.            technical but also social because
                  States       use       civilian    they attack citizens’ private and
               surveillance to know the detailed     confidential information.
               habits   and    preferences    of        The  attacks  take  on  various
               perceived adversaries.                forms-virus,        unauthorised
                  In 2008-10 the USA Defence         access,  theft  of  proprietary
               Department formally recognised        information,  denial  of  service,
               ‘cyber’  as  a  domain  of  war  in   insider  net  abuse,  laptop  theft,
               addition  to  air,  land,  sea,  and   financial fraud, misuse of public
               space  war.  In  2016  NATO           web      application,     system
               followed suit.                        penetration,  abuse  of  wireless
                                                     network,    sabotage,    telecom
                                                     fraud, and website defacement.
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