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The Role of States… H. Aziz  / 65

               health/  educational  strategies,     depressive symptoms and social
               which  are  preventative  and         conduct problems.
               promotional  can  be  used  by
               clinicians and  teachers  to  target   The Militarization of CST
               individual learners/ patients and     In as much as CST can be used
               the  public  health  programme        beneficially  it  may  also  be
               planners    can    target   large     misused  and  abused,  against
               population groups.                    which  reputable  educational
                  CST can be used to message         institutions  need  to  guard,
               mental  health,  explicitly  and      proactively,      with      state
               implicitly. Mental ill health is a    assistance.
               global     issue,   which      all       The misuse and abuse are by
               governments  and  educational         individuals,  narrow  groups,  big
               institutions  can  promote.  There    business, and states.
               is a growing body of knowledge           Some  states,  particularly,  the
               from       the      fields     of     hegemonic  ones have  permitted
               pyschpathology,  psychobiology,       the militarization of CST.
               prevention,       and      health        They  abuse  CST  to  control
               promotion sciences.                   surveillance,  deny  access  to
                  Prevention  and  promotion         adversaries,      and       wage
               programmes have also shown to         propaganda  campaigns  through
               result  in  considerable  economic    platforms such as Facebook and
               savings to society.                   Twitter,  without  any  state
                  Trained  teachers  and  parents    insignia.
               can help to improve detection of         The    civilian   intelligence,
               problems       and       facilitate   which  Facebook  has  been
               appropriate         interventions.    gathering  in  a  few  years,  no
               Psychosocial interventions, such      intelligence service in the world
               as cognitive-behavioural therapy      has been able to do in a century.
               and      family-based      group         Its technological and software
               intervention  for  learners  can      methodology produces verifiable
               prevent  the  development  of         intelligence  to  the  accuracy  of
               anxiety  disorders  and  reduce       spacetime coordinates.
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