Page 160 - Pure Life 31
P. 160

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (159

                  a political-minded scholar          with politics? (Ref: Naeini,
                  and     a     smart      and        1995: 6-15)

                  knowledgeable cleric was               The Imam Khomeini has
                  always viewed negatively.           express remarks:

                  That  was  common  in                  Islam  is  the  religion  of
                  seminaries.  The deviants              combatants who seek right
                  were      more      faithful.          and  justice;  the  religion
                  (Imam  Khomeini,  1999,                of  those  who  want

                  Vol. 21: 278-279)                      freedom and independence;
                                                         the  school  of  anti-
                  This  modus  vivendi  of               colonialism combatants and

               some  clerics  was  criticized            people. (Imam Khomeini,
               by     other    figures     like          2010: 10)
               Ayatollah Taleqani, Shahid

               Beheshti      and     Hashemi             Furthermore, the publication
               Rafsanjani.  (Ref:  Hosseini           of  the      “Shia  School”
               Beheshti,  1988;  Hashemi              magazine  in  1959,  with
               Rafsanjani, 1982: 18-19)               contributors  like  Allameh

                  In the preface of a book,           Tabatabaei, Hossein-Ali Rashed,
               Ayatollah  Taleqani  fires  a          Mohammad-Taqi  Falsafi,
               broadside at those who are             Abolfazl  Mousavi  Zanjani

               indulged merely in invocations:        and  Imam Musa Sadr, was
               How  can  one  shirk  social           instrumental        in       the
               obligations  for  good  under          promotion  of  the  Shia

               the pretext of non-interference        ideology  and  discourse.
                                                      The  magazine  was  banned
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