Page 162 - Pure Life 31
P. 162

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (161

               Shia  ideology.  In  the  Shia            Monarchy and [hereditary]
               school of thought, embracing              succession  constitute  an

               martyrdom  is  intertwined                ominous and invalid system
               with  its  evidence,  i.e.  the           of  government,  against

               Karbala  Battle  in  680  AD.             which  Hadhrat  Seyed
               Fighting      injustice     and           ash-Shohada  (master  of
               struggling  for  promoting                martyrs;  an  allusion  to
               justice  and  righteousness               the  Imam  Hussein)  rose

               are key concepts enshrined                up  and  was  martyred.
               in     the    Shia-prescribed             (Imam Khomeini, 2010: 8)
               martyrdom.  Belief  in  the

               reappearance of Mahdi will             Shia Political Discourse
               be the realization of divine           The history of formation of
               promise  and  fulfilment  of           religious marja' in the Shia

               obligations of  all  prophets,         faith  dates  back  to  when
               servants  and  combatants              the Imam Mahdi went into
               for the sake of justice.               occultation. As long as the

                  Both  of  the  aforesaid            Imam Mahdi remains occult,
               concepts define the political          steering  and  leading  the
               life  of  Shiism.  The  Imam           Islamic  society  will  fall
               Khomeini has described the             upon  competent  religious

               uprising  of  the  Imam                scholars.
               Hussein,  the  third  Shia                According to official data,
               imam  and  grandson  of  the           during  the  ten  centuries

               Prophet Muhammad, as follows:          leading  to  the  death  of
                                                      Ayatollah Boroujerdi (1961),
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