Page 165 - Pure Life 31
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164 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022
7. Practical Struggle for constitutional scholars.
Materialization of Islamic (Jamalzadeh, 1999: 7)
Government: During The Constitutionalist
arrangements for the Islamic movement failed and the
Revolution until victory Pahlavi dynasty came to
of the Islamic Revolution. power. The implementation
(Ref: Kadivar, 2009) of modernist policies in the
1940s and their contrast
This transformation of the with the clerical opinions
Shia discourse would be set the stage for the
understood more accurately development of a new Shia
when its background is discourse. In this context,
analyzed. The gradual emergence the Imam Khomeini's role
of such concepts as freedom, in the development of this
equality, parliament, separation discourse by underscoring
of powers and law, which the necessity of establishment
were unknown under former of an Islamic government
governments like the Safavid and the ensuing formation
and Qajar dynasties, prompted of the Islamic Republic of
the Shia clergy to elucidate Iran bears special significance.
the Shia view of these new (Kadivar, 2008: 24)
notions. The Shia clergy Two more discourses were
expressed its views in two born out of the discourse of
forms: Discourse of the Islamic Revolution;
constitutionalist scholars and Velayat-e Faqih and religious
discourse of legitimate