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               168  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022

               and one the other side, they              Since the aforementioned
               become  invalid  as  soon  as          issues, i.e. lack of minimal
               they pose restrictions to the          social basis and dependence
               Shah.  (Ref:  Manouchehri,             on  foreign  powers,  do  not

               1998: 13)                              complete  the  puzzle  of  the
                  As  it  was  mentioned              Pahlavi legitimacy, the rulers
               earlier, neopatrimonialist regimes     capitalize on nationalism in
               lack  a  social  basis  and            the  society  in  a  bid  to

               therefore in a bid to justify          stabilize and legitimize their
               their legitimacy they depend           standing. The Pahlavi regime
               on  foreign  powers'  support          was  no  exception  to  this

               in addition to resorting to a          rule  and  since  1933  it
               new method of governance.              pursued  such  policies  as
               That  is  why  such  regimes           return  to  ancient  Persia,

               will  make  every  effort  to          changing the country's official
               benefit  from  the  presence           calendar from solar hijri to
               of  foreign  governments  by           imperial  calendar,  staging

               luring  them  into  Iran               2,500-year-old fetes, countering
               through economic  projects.            the  Arabic  language,  and
               Examples could be seen in              promoting Pan-Iranism whose
               the  presence  of  Russian,            remnants are still visible in

               English, European and American         the  Iranian  society.  (Ref:
               officials  and  companies  in          Eivazi, 2004: 74-75)
               Iran. (Ref: Katouzian, 2000: 18)
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