Page 168 - Pure Life 31
P. 168
Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (167
constitute the main features the people and consequently
of such systems. (Weber, the dictatorial Pahlavi regime
1978: 230) in the proper sense of the
Now, we review some word took shape. (Ref:
neopatrimonialist features of Chehabi and Linz, 1998:
the Pahlavi regime: 17-77; Eivazi, 2004)
Neopatrimonialist regimes Such ruling regimes refuse
are generally brought to to honor modern legal
power by special groups. systems and laws. Symbols
That indicates the limited of democratic systems like
social base of such parliament, general elections
governing establishments. and parties are seen;
Enjoying the support of a however, these organs are
group of political pundits, directly or indirectly elected
Reza Shah came to power under the eye of an
in such a manner. The autocracy and are tolerated
weakness of private ownership as long as they do not
and absence of independent impose any restrictions upon
social classes, which occurred the establishment. This issue
in the aftermath of Shah is in maximum compliance
Mohammad Reza's agrarian with the aftermath of the
reforms, set the stage for February 21, 1921 coup
the independence of social. d'état; on one side, we see
Furthermore, oil revenues made new models of governance
the regime independent from are devised for legitimization,