Page 192 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (191
with those who violate the alone are not able to protect
right to life of others is their health. Without health
itself a violation of this protection, people will not
fundamental human right. be able to enjoy many
Also, the lack of Government individual and economic
support for certain individuals freedoms they have been
or groups or leaving the given. This right can include
hands of certain groups and a variety of issues related
individuals in attacking the to public health.
lives of others are other The World Health
manifestations of the violation Organization, with the help
of the right to life. of the High Commissioner
Therefore, in the case of for Human Rights, has
Corona, the Government interpreted the right to
has a positive duty to protect health enshrined in the
the right to life of Universal Declaration of
individuals in society and Human Rights and the
will be liable if it fails. Covenant on Economic and
Social Rights, and enumerated
2. The Right to Health elements for it. In general,
The right to health, as one
of the examples of the the right to health includes
second generation of human the following components:
rights, requires the intervention (Ref: WHO and OHCHR, 2008)
and positive actions of the
Government because individuals