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               216  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022

               to  speak  of  its  judicial           prevent  the  possible  abuse
               responsibility  in  case  of           of  Government  powers  in
               negligence and non-negligence.         recognizing the necessity or
               For example, the Government's          non-necessity of suspending

               failure  to  close  its  air  and      the  rights  of  individuals,
               land  borders  in  a  timely           due  to  the  freedom  of
               manner,  or  its  failure  to          action      of     states     in
               promptly      announce       the       recognizing       this    issue,

               arrival  of  the  coronavirus          independent  oversight  of
               in  the  country,  could  lead         Government        actions     is
               to  judicial  liability  on  the       necessary.  Therefore,  due

               part of the Government.                to the important role of an
                  In addition, in exceptional         independent  judiciary  in
               circumstances,  such  as  the          protecting the human rights

               outbreak  of  the  Corona              of    individuals,     judicial
               Pandemic,  the  suspension             oversight of the process  of
               of  human  rights  is  one  of         limiting     or    suspending

               the  solutions  envisaged  in          human rights or Government
               legal  systems  in  order  to          negligence  can  be  crucial.
               strike  a  balance  between            (Eghbali, 2019)
               human rights and freedoms                 In addition to the judicial

               on the one hand and for the            liability of the Government,
               benefit of the public on the           we  can  talk  about  its
               other.  Although  conditions           political liability. Politically,

               are  envisaged  in  order  to          Governments are under the
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