Page 199 - Pure Life 32
P. 199
198 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 191-211, Autumn. 2022
for a sign to find or and it is the same in the
recognize Muslims by means alimony reserved for wives
of it. and the alimony of
Muqaddas Ardabili says: relatives. Accordingly, the
We can't say anything at granting of alimony is
all. Rather, the rulings differ subject to the conditions
due to differences in and customs of the time in
characteristics, conditions, which it takes place. (Maki
times, places and persons. Amili, 1988)
This means that a skilled According to Maki
jurist is someone who pays Amili and the Imamiya in
attention to these points general, the change of
and knows which ruling is habits and customs has
appropriate for the right caused the change of
time. (Muqaddas Ardabili, subjects and as the subjects
2000) change, the sentences also
The Maki Amili, known change.
as the first martyr, writes Also, the Kashif al-Ghita
about the rules, while acknowledged this point
clarifying the changes and and said that: The line of
effects of time and place: change of precepts is the
It is permissible to change of time.
change the rulings by Muqaddas Ardabili who
changing the customs of is one of the most
the society as it is the case outspoken and experienced
in common weights and jurists in this field says:
measures in the society,