Page 146 - Pure Life 33
P. 146

The Position of Intellect in the… S.J. Ebrahimi & H. Sadeqi (145

               indispensable  to  interpret           that  we  explained  some  of
               those  verses  indicated  to           which  as  examples,  he

               the  abovesaid  matters  and           expressed  in  many  issues
               declared:                              and made arguments based
                  Indeed, Allah, the Exalted,         on  rational  good  and  bad,

                  does       not      beguile,        even     though      did    not
                  deceive,  mock,  ridicule           explicitly express.
                  and  forget.  Allah,  is  the          In  such  cases,  while

                  more Exalted than being             sheikh  has  not  explicitly
                  attributed  to.  (Saduq,            expressed  the  rule  of
                  1993: 26)                           intellect;  but  his  taking  of
                                                      the rational rule authority as
                  Regarding  badness  of              presumption        could     be
               obligation  beyond  man’s              figured  out  with  a  little
               strength he said,  our belief          precision,  so  that  he  stated

               in  obligation  is  that  God          such  on  its  basis.  For
               Almighty  did  not  burden             instance,  we  can  notice  on
               His servants except to what            the  cases  stated  by  Saduq

               they can bear, as Allah said           in  his  book  Al-I’tiqadat.
               in  the  Quran:  “Allah  does          Although  there  are  many
               not task any soul beyond its           examples in this regard; but

               capacity”.  (Quran,  2:  286)          tried to mention those with
               and the capacity is other than         more explicitness.
               bearing”. (Saduq, 1993: 28)               Sheikh  Saduq,  regarding

                  In    addition    to    what        divine justice, uttered:
               frequently  and  explicitly               We  believe  that  Allah
               found in Saduq’s books, so
                                                         ordered  us  to  regard
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