Page 150 - Pure Life 33
P. 150

The Position of Intellect in the… S.J. Ebrahimi & H. Sadeqi (149

                  be for his sin, and if He           is  considered  bad  and
                  pardoned, it would be for           oppression. He said:

                  the sake of His generosity             Our belief regarding the
                  and          munificence”.             Hell is its being as abode
                  (Saduq, 2000: 96)                      of humiliation and revenge

                                                         against non-believers and
                  Noticeably, Imam alluded               disobedient people.
               to     the      badness       of
               oppression in the 1  and 2                Additionally,  he  pointed
               aspects but in the 3  one to           out  that  among  disobedient
               Allah’s        justice      and        people,  the  monotheists

               munificence.                           will  receive  God's  grace
                  Sheikh Saduq somewhere              and     mercy,     which      is
               else  hinted  on  disobedient          beyond  of  justice,  and
               people who will  merely be             disobedient  and  polytheist

               struggled       to      Allah’s        ones will permanently be in
               punishment,  so  that  the             the fire (Hell):
               punishment  is  particularly              And         none         will

               specified     for    rebellious           permanently  abide  in
               men. So, the obedient man                 except of disobedient and
               will  never  find  Allah’s                polytheist people; but the

               punishment, and this is the               sinners among monotheists
               meaning  of  justice.  Hence,             will  be  expelled  out  due
               violating  of  this  principle,           to  His  mercy  which

               i.e. involving of non-guilty              received  to,  and  the
               ones in divine punishment,                intercession which obtained
                                                         to. (Ibid, 1993: 77)
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