Page 149 - Pure Life 33
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               148  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 131-167, Winter. 2023
               i.e. Allah forgives sins and           Hanifah       asked       Imam
               rewards whomever deserved              Kadhim,  who  commits  the

               to.                                    sin?  Imam  in  His  replying
                  In  this  regard,  Saduq            pondered      three     various
               reported     the     following         assumptions  and  relied  on

               tradition  stated  by  Imam            rational  good  and  bad  in
               Sadiq, “Tawhid (Unity of Allah)        the  whole  of  which.  Imam
               and  ‘Adl  (His  justice)  are         replied:

               the  foundations  of  religion”           “It is not devoid of three
               then,  in  order  to  elaborate           aspects:  Either  it  might
               the meaning of Tawhid and                 be  committed  by  Allah

               ‘Adl for the narrator said:               and  not  from  man,  so  it
                  Tawhid is to not consider              is  not  deserved  of  All-
                  eligible  on  your  Lord               generous  i.e.  Allah  to

                  what is permitted to you,              punish  His  servant  for
                  and  ‘Adl  is  to  not                 what  he/she  has  not
                  attribute your Creator to              performed,  or  by  both
                  what He blamed you for.                Allah  and  His  servant;

                  (Saduq, 2000: 96)                      but  it  could  not  be  such
                                                         because      it    is    not
                  Thus, it exactly necessitates          deserved  of  the  strong

               Allah’s  legislating  on  the             partner  i.e.  Allah  to
               basis  of  rational  good  and            oppress  His  the  weak
               bad.                                      partner.  Furthermore,  it

                  In another tradition quoted            might  be  committed  by
               by  Shaykh  Saduq  in  “The               the servant, then if Allah
               book  of  Tawhid”,  Abu
                                                         punished  him,  it  would
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