Page 148 - Pure Life 33
P. 148

The Position of Intellect in the… S.J. Ebrahimi & H. Sadeqi (147

                  Allah’s justice and so on           because  commanded  by
                  are      associated       to.       Allah,  and  lying  is  bad  by

                  (Muzaffar, 2002: 213)               its nature, that is why Allah
                                                      prohibited      it,   not    for
                  However,      according    to       becoming       bad     because

               Ashʽarite, whatever the Shari’         prohibited by Allah”. (Nasir
               (Legislator)  considers  good          al-Din Tusi, 1992: 216)
               is  good,  and  whatever  the             Accordingly,      Adliyyah
               Shari’  considers bad is bad,          maintained       renege       of

               (Muzaffar,      2002:      216)        promise  as  bad  act.  Thus,
               whereas  according  to  the            when Allah has promised a

               Adliyyah, regardless of the            reward  for  something,  He
               Shari’  ruling,  actions  are          will     not     renege     on.
               encompassed  by  essential             Therefore,  ‘Adl  (justice)
               values  according  to  the             according  to  the  above-

               intellect, so some of which            mentioned  definition,  by
               are  essentially  good,  some          Sheikh Saduq, is necessary
               bad  and  some  others  have           for  Allah.  However,  since

               not  been  characterize  by            breach  of  promise  for
               any  of  which,  and  the              punishment  is  beneficence
               Shari’  merely  commands               to  His  servants  is  not

               what  is  good  and  forbids           considered  as  bad;  but
               what is bad.                           praiseworthy  act,  so  Allah
                  Therefore,  due  to  the            treats  us  with  beneficence.

               goodness of truthfulness by            Hence,  it  is  said,  “O!  My
               its nature, Allah commanded            Lord,  treat  us  with  your
               to,  not  for  becoming  good
                                                      beneficence not your justice”
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