Page 196 - Pure Life 33
P. 196

Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (195

                  Therefore, he claims that           scientific  theories  are  only
               “a scientific theory is just a         mathematical  models  or

               mathematical  model  we                not, has no connection with
               make  to  describe  our                the  problem  of  the  reality
               observations:  it  exists  only        of  physical  entities,  unless

               in  our  minds.  So,  it  is           one      reduces      scientific
               meaningless  to  ask:  which           theories  to  a  set  of
               is     real,      “real”      or       scientific  terms,  and  also

               “imaginary”              time?”        assumes      that     scientific
               (Hawking, 1997: 139)                   terms  and  the  entities  that
                  These  comments  show               they         denote          are

               that    however      good      a       ontologically the same.
               physicist Hawking may be,                 Therefore,  it  is  totally
               how  rough  and  inaccurate            justified  that  we  expect

               his philosophical views are.           Hawking  and  Hartle  to
               To  begin  with,  his  views           present        a       physical
               are  more  likely  to  be              interpretation  of  the  notion
               instrumentalistic, not positivistic.   of  “imaginary  time”,  an

                  In  any  case,  nobody-             expectation  that  is  very
               whether  she  is  a  positivist,       unlikely to be met.
               an     instrumentalist,       or          If  Hawking’s  positivism

               anything  else-  has  claimed          or instrumentalism (whichever
               that  the  question  of  the           the case may be) is the right
               reality of physical entities is        approach  to  cosmology,

               meaningless,  though  some             and so it is meaningless to
               philosophers  have  claimed            ask  whether  “imaginary”
               that  it  is  useless.  Whether        time  is  real  or  not,  then
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