Page 229 - Pure Life 33
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228 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 219-239, Winter. 2023
concerned authorities in “Magnetic atmosphere”.
Hindu religion have (Panchadasi, 2005: 6)
declared that it has its In different cultures,
origin in Sanscrit root human aura has been
“Ar”, that means the spoke discussed. Experts have
of the wheel. The fact that defined it with different
the aura radiates from words; some says it has
human body of a person in seven layers, (Harrison, 2022)
a manner much like the while other says it’s like a
radiation of the spokes of light with oval shape
the wheel. around human body having
In brief, the human aura six colors; (Marques, 2013)
could be defined as delicate but all the experts accept
and light in a way that the effects of human
seems not to be of this thinking on human.
world or emanation Experts have discovered
surrounding every single that that thought and the
human being. The range of heart are interconnected
human aura is two to three and that the thought, as
feet, in all the direction well as energy, may change
from the body. It is the heart beats. It could
believed that human aura increase or decrease the
has an oval shape. This heart rate, effect the
aura is also referred as nutritional, metabolic, and
“Psychic atmosphere” of a endocrine functions within
person sometimes or his the regulation of cardiac
activity. The thought effects