Page 169 - Pure Life 35
P. 169
168 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
Therefore, the criteria for 8. The Role of Objective
accepting a learner is his talent Observation in Learning
and readiness and his being a The Holy Quran says:
researcher of knowledge. “And when Ibrahim said:
When a real learner who is My Lord! show me how
seeking the truth comes to the Thou givest life to the dead,
teacher, he should be He said: What! and do you
respected and his other not believe? He said: Yes,
characteristics such as age,
property, position and status but that my heart may be at
should not be paid attention ease. He said: Then take
to . (Maududi, 2018) four of the birds, then train
them to follow you, then
7. Refutation of the Opposite place on every mountain a
Concept Along with the part of them, then call
Proof of the Desired Concept them, they will come to you
Maududi's statements are
used in the introduction to the flying; and know that Allah
is Mighty, Wise”. (Quran,
interpretation of Surah
2: 260)
“Tariq”, that the teacher
should try to refute the From the Mududi’s
opposite concept of the interpretation in Surah
subject by using clear “Baqarah”, verse 260, It’s
evidence and signs; Like understood that there is a
disproving polytheism to teach level of inner peace that is
related to objective observation
the concept of monotheism. in strengthening belief and
(Ref: Maududi, 2018) faith and peace of heart.