Page 168 - Pure Life 35
P. 168

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (167

                To  teach  metaphysical,              perceptions.  You  teach  them
            rational     and     extrasensory         history, politics, business, law

            concepts, real sensory examples           and other social sciences in a
            should  be  used  that  are               way  that,  from  principles  to
            around  the  learner  and  are            branches and from theories to

            familiar,  and  forcing  the              practice,  is  completely  in
            learner  to  reflect  on  these           conflict with the theories and
            examples  can  prepare  him  to           social principles of Islam.

            accept  extrasensory  content.                After all this, how do you
            As  in  these  verses,  the  Holy         expect  that  the  thinking  of
            Prophet used the examples of              this young generation become

            that time that the Arabs were             Islamic? Their life style to be
            dealing  with,  such  as  the             Islamic?  their  life  to    be
            camel, the cloud, the earth, to           Islamic? (Maududi, 2018)

            teach  the  issues  of  the
                                                      6. Student Acceptance Criteria
                In  explaining  the  reason           Maududi's  statements    in  the
            for    the    failure     of    the       introduction          to       the

            education  system,  he  says:             interpretation of Surah “Abs”,
            You  are  teaching  these  new            show  that  for  education,  we
            generations  a  philosophy that           should  look  for  people  who

            wants to solve the problem of             are  righteous  and  seek  the
            the  world  without  God.  You            truth  and  are  interested  in
            are teaching them the science             acquiring  knowledge.  Don't

            that deviates from reason and             look  for  those  who  have
            is  a  slave  of  five  senses  and       wealth, status.
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