Page 170 - Pure Life 35
P. 170

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (169

               Therefore,  considering  this             said:  If  my  Lord  does  not
            mental       characteristic      of          guide me, I shall surely be

            learners,  the  teacher  should              amongst  the  astray  nation.
            not      be     satisfied     with           *  Then,  when  he  saw  the
            theoretical  education;  But                 sun  rise,  shining,  he  said:

            should provide the possibility               This must be my Lord, it is
            and     solutions      of    using           larger.  But  when  it  set,  he
            objective  observation  for  the             said: O nation I am quit of

            learner  under  his  supervision             what  you  associate  (with
            so that he can reach the high                Allah,      the     Creator)”.
            level of confidence and peace.               (Quran, 6: 76-78(

            (Maududi, 2018)
                                                         The gradualness of cognition
            9.  The  Gradualness  of                  is understood. Prophet Ibrahim
            Cognition                                 used  to  say,  “This  is  my

            Reflecting      on     Maududi's          Lord”  every  time  he  saw  the
            interpretation  of  verses  from          phenomenon  of  the  stars,  the
            Surah An'am:                              moon.

               “When  night  drew  over                  Maududi  says  that  this  is
               him, he saw a planet. This,            about stopping and questioning
               he said: Is surely my Lord.            in truth seeking, not issuing a

               But  when  it  set  he  said:  I       definitive verdict, and this is a
                                                      natural  thing  that  happens  to
               do not like the setting ones.          every  truth  seeker  in  the
               *  When  he  saw  the  rising          direction  of  discovering  the

               moon,  he  said:  This  is  my         truth,  at  some  stage  of  the
               Lord.  But  when  it  set,  he         research process.
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