Page 185 - Pure Life 35
P. 185
184 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
- The book “About The main concern and
Research” is written by the purpose of these works are
same author, in which the issues such as religious
general lines of research in science, Islamization of
Western humanities are science, transformation in
stated. humanities and fundamentals
of humanities. It is necessary
- The book “Cultural to examine this issue in a
Invasion” written by the coherent and integrated way.
same author, which the Also, in this research, the
topic of Western culture, its benefit of Western science in
foundations and its various fields is predicted to
destructive effects are be completely innovative
pointed out.
from a scientific viewpoint.
- Also, in the book “Basics Pathology of Exposure to
of Humanities” by Ahmad Western Sciences
Hossein Sharifi, some In the face of western
presuppositions governing sciences, there have been
the humanities have been harms and deviations that
Ayatollah Misbah pays
One of the common points attention to and warns the
of all these works is that the scientific community against
main theme and focus of none getting caught up in them:
of them is how to face
western humanities.