Page 187 - Pure Life 35
P. 187
186 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
This tendency is more act on some beliefs that are
pronounced in those who incompatible with religion.
have lived in Europe or been Without paying attention to
raised in an environment this incompatibility. These are
dominated by Western people who have learned their
imported ideas. religious beliefs from
They have seen the childhood and in the mosque
splendor and appearance of and family environment; But
Europeans; They have have been fed by entering
observed their scientific, universities and encountering
industrial, and technological scientific fields, sciences and
developments and have lost materialist theories.
their identity in front of them These people are not
and have accepted their necessarily slow-minded and
religious attitude, religious incompetent people; Rather,
beliefs, and moral they may be experts in the
commitment. (Ibid, 2011b: 1; fields of experimental
Ibid, 2012c: 105) sciences or humanities and
3. Eclecticism are among the most
Many people in the religious successful students in their
field; However, due to their
community today are caught superficial acquaintance with
up in eclectic thinking. While religious teachings and
believing in Islamic beliefs, Quranic teachings, they do
these people also accept and
not realize the basic problems