Page 184 - Pure Life 35
P. 184
How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (183
Theoretical Foundations and management, educational sciences,
Research Background political sciences, and
The meaning of Western analytical history.
science is not only belonging Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi is
to the geographical West; But one of the Iranian mujtahids
this term includes all the of Islamic humanities. He
sciences that have been established and managed
formed and evolved in the several schools, seminaries
context of Western intellectual and universities in order to
foundations, culture and train faithful human resources
civilization. As a result, some and experts in human
of the sciences of Muslims or sciences, the most important
Asian countries may also be of which is the Imam
called Western. Khomeini Educational and
Human sciences are opposed Research Institute.
to basic sciences and In terms of the background
experimental sciences and are of the research, we can
called sciences that deal with mention the following:
human knowledge and description, - The book “Relationship
explanation and interpretation of Religious Science” by
of individual and social Ayatollah Misbah, which,
human phenomena. while examining the
Specifically, the desired human meaning of religious
sciences include ethics, law, science, also refers to
economics, psychology, sociology, Western sciences.