Page 186 - Pure Life 35
P. 186

How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (185

            1.  Political  and  Nationalist           2.     Self-Destruction       and
            Approach                                  Westernization

            Involvement  of  political  and           For  many  years  before  the
            nationalist  tendencies  is  the          revolution and even after that,
            scourge  of  science.  Such               it  was  instilled  in  the

            approaches may work in other              scientific    community        and
            respects;  But  they  do  not             academics  that  you  can  not
            work  for  a  researcher  who  is         produce  science  and  progress

            in  a  position  to  discover             and finally be able to use the
            science and arrive at the truth.          translation       of     Western
               After all these years of the           sciences.

            Islamic Revolution, some sincere,            Some  weak-minded  people
            disinterested and compassionate           who  do  not  have  strong
            academics  still  think  that  the        philosophical         intellectual

            Islamic Revolution intends to             foundations  and  also  suffer
            discard all basic, experimental           from  lack  of  self-confidence
            and human sciences based on               have  lost  themselves  under
            the slogan of neither East nor            the     influence      of    these

            West.                                     inductions and, of course, the
               They think that the Islamic            hegemony of Western science
            Republic  seeks  to  sever  all           and  technology.  They  have  a

            ties with the cannibals and the           kind  of  extreme  fascination
            oppressive  powers.  (Misbah              with Western thought.
            Yazdi,  2016:  31&235;  Ibid,

            2012b: 1)
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