Page 188 - Pure Life 35
P. 188
How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (187
of academic sciences with academics; They suggest that
religious teachings and accept this is the knowledge that
them and attach them to their Westerners have acquired
thoughts and actions. over the centuries; This is
The same people, when what the Holy Quran said
placed in decision-making many years ago, or they apply
positions, apply the same Quranic truths such as tablet,
theories they have learned from pen, throne, chair, angels, etc.
philosophy, political, social, to material factors and beings.
and Western economics to Examples of these deviations
solve the problems and harms can be found in “Al-Jawahir
of Islamic society. (Misbah fi Tafsir al-Quran”, (Ref:
Yazdi, 2005: 166) Tantawi Jawhari, 2004, Vol.
12: 241) “Tafsirul Quran”,
4. Applying the Teachings of (Ref: Hindi, 1936: 110-132)
Religion to the Western Sciences and “Al-Manar” (Ref: Rashid
In order to reconcile religious Rida, 1990, Vol. 1: 350-351)
teachings with academic and Searched. (Misbah Yazdi,
Western sciences, some people 2018a: 232; Ibid, 2014a: 203)
use the Quran to unreasonably It is important to observe
and extensively adapt to the this point that we really want
scientific achievements of the to understand the verse, not to
West. accept something in advance
These people, who often do and then try to apply the same
so with the motivation of to the verses and impose our
attracting young people and