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            188  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            desired meaning on the Quran;             well-being and individual and
            Whether  those  prejudices  are           social well-being; so we, like
            derived from philosophical or             the Westerners, must abandon
            mystical concepts or from the             religion  in  order  to  make
            empirical        sciences        or       progress.
            sociology  or  otherwise.  This              This  misconception  is  the
            is  very  dangerous.  (Ref:  Goli         result  of  a  deep  ignorance  of
            and Yousefian, 2010: 121&130)             religion     and     the     weak

               Another  example  is  that             foundations of their faith and
            researchers  take  theories  of           vision. These people have not
            the  humanities  such  as  legal,         known religion as they should
                                                      and,  on  the  contrary,  have
            political,  sociological  and             fallen  in  love  with  the  West,
            economic issues, etc. from the            arrogance  and  the  world  of
            Western  world  and  seek  to             infidelity.  (Misbah  Yazdi,

            cite    Islamic     verses     and        2015: 268)
            hadiths     to    justify    those           It seems, first, the progress
            matters.        (Misbah     Yazdi,        of  the  West  has  been  an
            2014b: 1)                                 imperfect development whose
                                                      spiritual        and        moral

            5. Pessimism about Religion               dimensions  are  far  behind;
            Another  plague  that  some               Such  a  thing  can  not  be  a
                                                      good  model  for  the  Islamic
            scholars  face  in  the  face  of         society. Secondly, if the West
            Western  science  is  that  they          has  made  progress  in  some
            think  that  religion  is  an             fields of experimental science
            obstacle to achieving scientific
            success and achieving material            and  technology,  it  is  not
                                                      because of turning its back on
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