Page 202 - Pure Life 35
P. 202

How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (201

               As       noted       in      the       humanities,  is  the  issue  of
            fundamentals  of  anthropology,           theology.

            value      issues      are      the          Research on topics such as
            foundation of the humanities.             what religion is, the  realm of
            Deviation  in  the  foundations           religion,  the  conflict  between

            of  values  will  lead  to                science  and  religion,  reason
            deviation  in  the  humanities,           and religion, religious science,
            especially  the  grammatical              the  Islamization  of  science

            humanities.                               and academia, and the like, is
               The  definition  of  moral             based  on  the  type  of  attitude
            concepts,        whether        the       that  the  researcher  has  with

            propositions  of  morality  or            the subject of religion.
            the  composition  of  morality,              The  view  that  considers
            relativity  in  morality  and  the        religion  as  revealed  by  God

            relationship  between  religion           Almighty  to  guide  mankind
            and  morality  are  among  the            and  considers  the  prophets
            most  important  value  issues            and imams as ambassadors of
            that can face serious criticism           guidance,  with  the  view  that

            in the Western world.                     religion  is  the  opium  of  the
                                                      masses,  are  two  types  of
                -  Theology                           science      with     completely

            One  of  the  most  important             oriented orientations.
            issues  that  plays  a  decisive             One  who  thinks  that  the
            role  in  the  direction  of  all         period  of  human  life  has

            sciences,      especially       the
                                                      passed  from  the  stages  of
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