Page 201 - Pure Life 35
P. 201
200 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
In the Western view, man ethical and value issues, has
is an evolved creature of not yet reached a defensible
animal that has no purpose basis. (Misbah Yazdi, 2010b: 38)
other than to satisfy material Although the ultimate goal
needs and lust. of morality is to be created
It goes without saying that and we Muslims, despite the
the deviations of ethics, teachings of Islam, do not
psychology, educational sciences, need to think about the
economics, and other intellectual and philosophical
humanities that are based on issues of ethics; But in the
this view will be affected . face of other schools and
moral schools, we have no
- Value System choice but analytical and
Although moral and spiritual rational method.
values in the Western world It is clear that verses and
are low and weak; But the hadiths cannot be cited to
topics of ethics and defend Islamic morality
philosophy of ethics in the against Western schools.
Western world are among the Of course, this point does
most attractive and popular not apply to ethics; But in the
academic disciplines. field of philosophical issues,
The emergence of various psychology, management,
moral schools with completely economics, etc., we must
contradictory and heterogeneous defend Islamic teachings in
theories, shows that the the same way. (Ibid, 2016: 40)
Western world in the field of