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            174   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023
            -  Priority  and  Flexibility:            facets  of  knowledge  and
            Prioritizing  adaptability  and           ethical  conduct.  (Davoudi  &
            openness      to    new     ideas,        Karamadpishe, 2021)
            allowing  for  an  evolving  and             Thirdly,  the  anthropological

            dynamic educational system.               basis for the higher education
                                                      system  based  on  religion  and
            -  Emphasis  on  Science  and
            Knowledge:  Promoting  the                spirituality     includes      the

            pursuit  and  appreciation  of            following:  Duality  of  human
            scientific       inquiry       and        life  (material  and  spiritual
            scholarly endeavors.                      life),  end  of  human  life,  the
                                                      existence of human free will,
            -      Art      and       Beauty:         human  primordial  nature,  the
            Recognizing the aesthetic and             human       being     as    God's
            creative dimensions as integral           representative       on     earth,

            facets of holistic education.             human  dignity  and  respect,

            -  Respect  for  the  Natural             equality  of  human  beings,
            Environment:        Instilling    a       gradual  formation  of  human

            sense  of  responsibility  and            identity,     multi-dimensional
            reverence for the natural world           human  identity,  human  being
            within educational practices.             encountering  challenges  and
                                                      threats, human dependency on
               These  delineated  values              God,  and  his  dependence  on

            underscore  the  foundation  of           experienced people.
            a  religiously  and  spiritually             The aforementioned highlights
            informed  higher  education               anthropological foundations for

            system, encompassing a holistic           a  religious  and  spiritual
            approach that integrates diverse
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