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            176   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            of  higher  education.  The                  Specific immediate principles
            general principles include; the           are  those  which  tackle  more
            principle     aspect     of     the       precise issues in the education
            centrality  of  God,  primordial          process  compared  to  the

            nature,  hereafter,  conformity           general ones. These principles
            with religion, comprehensiveness,         include  gradual  continuity,
            suitability  and  coherency,              observing individual differences,

            priority,     flexibility,     and        the  authenticity  of  educators,
            moderation.         (Abedi       &        observing  and  promoting  the
            Mousavinasab, 2023)                       freedom        of      educators,

               The  programs'  goals  and             observing       justice    among
            content for each faculty must             students,  leniency,  wisdom,
            be  adjusted  to  be  compatible          responsibility, and reform.

            with  the  general  goal  of                 These       principles      are
            education.      Therefore,      an        important, for example, based
            education  system  that  bases            on the principle of continuity,
            its    plans,     actions,     and        for    higher     education      to

            activities          on          the       progress  correctly,  it  should
            aforementioned  principles  is            be  constantly  reviewed  and
            suitable  for  needs.  On  the            new      plans      should      be

            other  hand,  education,  which           implemented. (Maleki, 2011)
            is against the above principles
            is  against  primordial  nature           The  Goals  of  the  Religious

            and        divine        religion.        and Spiritual Higher Education
            (Delshad Tehrani, 2013)                   System
                                                      By  critically  analyzing  the
                                                      foundations, higher education
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