Page 178 - Pure Life 36
P. 178

Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (177

            goals  are  classified  into              the ultimate end as mentioned
            ultimate,  intermediate,  and             in     the     above      verses.
            immediate specific goals. The             (Baqiri, 2008)
            ultimate  goal  is  the  last  and           The        delineation        of

            highest      goal    of     higher        intermediate objectives within
            education,      beyond      which         higher  education  originates
            there  is  no  other  goal.               from  the  fundamental  tenets

            Intermediate  goals  are  less            espoused  by  a  religiously
            comprehensive         than      the       grounded educational system.
            ultimate  goal  and  more                    These foundational principles

            comprehensive than immediate              encompass  various  aspects,
            goals,  and  their  achievement           notably  the  comprehensive
            is  necessary  to  reach  the             capacity of religion to address

            ultimate goal.                            universal  human  requisites
               For  any  system  of  higher           transcending  temporal  and
            education  to  be  fruitful,  it          spatial  boundaries,  the  divine
            needs an ultimate goal. Based             primacy  inherent  within,  and

            on  the  religious  worldview,            the distinct characterization of
            the  general  ultimate  goal  of          human       existence,     among
            higher         education         is       others.  Concomitantly,  the

            consciousness  and  voluntary             specific  intermediate  goals
            closeness to God. The  higher             within  higher  education  are
            education system should have              delineated,  encompassing  the

            the above-mentioned ultimate              cultivation  of  individuals'
            aim;  Because  God  dominates             primordial  disposition,  the
            the  entire  universe  and  He  is        establishment  of  an  identity
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