Page 176 - Pure Life 36
P. 176
Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (175
higher education system. According to Davoudi &
(Group of Authors, 2017) Karamadpishe (2021), to
The following elucidates the launch our higher education
epistemological underpinnings system on religion and
for the higher education spirituality, we have to
system. These foundational critically take into
aspects encompass the consideration the above-
accessibility of knowledge, its mentioned foundations.
alignment with reality and Consequently, these
truth, the categorization of foundations act as pillars for
knowledge into certainties other elements of higher
and conjectures, and the education such as goals,
diverse sources of knowledge principles, content, methodologies,
including intellect, soul, the and so forth.
five senses, and revelation.
Additionally, it acknowledges Principles of the Religious
the finite capacity of human and Spiritual Higher Education
intellect while also System
recognizing its potential for The principles of higher
innovation and exploration of education based on religion
new dimensions of reality. and spirituality are explained
These tenets derive from a in the form of general and
religious worldview, shaping specific principles of education.
the framework of The following outlines
understanding within higher these principles:
education. (Ibid) General principles cast a
shadow on the entire process