Page 127 - Pure Life 37
P. 127
126 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
and the results s/he obtains mediator of the grace of all
will be far from the existing beings is the truth of perfect
realities. human being as the successor
of God on earth; Of course, a
Philosophical Foundations based minimal attitude towards the
on Tabataba'i Viewpoint world and existence will have
• Ontological Foundations a tremendous impact on other
Rezaei (2019) Existential truths fields, including the value
and all human beings system or culture.
descended in a hierarchical Thus, a person who believes
chain of worlds and in the monopoly of the world
successive truths from the by matter and materials and
Almighty Allah to this denies metaphysics and the
material world, which is the superior layers of existence
lowest order of the worlds of cannot have a broad
existence, and will ascend to perspective towards the world
Him again. In this respect, and considers the values and
Almighty Allah said: causes of values and capitals
“Indeed we belong to Allah as exclusive to things that
and Him do we indeed only have a material dimension.
return”. (The Qur’an, 2: 156)
Therefore, considering the
In this hierarchical series, Cultural Capital to be narrow
higher and greater truths are according to his/her ontological
the mediator and channel of view, s/he deprived
the grace of existence and the himself/herself of a wide and
grace of divine guidance and broad view.
lordship of creation and • Epistemological Foundations
legislation for other beings, Tabataba'i is a realist both in
especially humans, in the two epistemology and ontology
arcs of descent and ascent, i.e., he believes in ontology
and the greatest truth is the