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                       132   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       being. The universe is related            theory and proposes a type of
                       to  the  Supreme  Being  and              dialectic  between  individual
                       there is no independent entity            characteristics and the cultural
                       in  the  universe.  (Tabataba'i,          and social environment.

                       1995: 157)                                   Based on the philosophical
                         The entities of the world are           attitude of Allameh Tabataba'i,
                       the emergence and manifestation           that sequence in the formation

                       of  the  truth  of  Almighty              of  phenomena  is  impossible.
                       Allah; But from the viewpoint             (Ibid: 168)
                       of  Bourdieu,  who  in  a  way               Hence,  it  is  necessary  to

                       has a Marxian comprehension               explain where the first step in
                       of  existence,  the  relation             this  dialectic  rotation  begins.
                       without  related  one  must  be           Is  it  based  on  individual

                       interpreted in a certain way.             characteristics  or  is  it  the
                         Looking  at  his  thoughts,  it         social environment that is the
                       is  required  to  answer  and             beginning         of      shaping
                       interpret  since  the  existence          individual characteristics?

                       of a relation without a relative             According          to        the
                       is  like  a  conjunction  in              philosophical view of Allameh

                       propositions,     without      the        Tabataba'i, preponderance without
                       proposition.                              prepondering         cause       is
                         It  is  necessary  to  clarify          impossible. (Ibid: 60)
                       from a philosophical viewpoint               Thus, the preponderance of

                       what  independent  existence              social  cultural  space  over
                       these relationship-oriented matters       individual affairs is one of the
                       depend  on  according  to                 instances        of       without

                       Bourdieu.  This  is  something            prepondering  cause,  and  in
                       that  Bourdieu’s  proponents              case  of  preponderance  over
                       should answer appropriately.              another,  the  criterion  of

                         Bourdieu uses the dialectic             preponderance        should     be
                       element  in  presenting  his              mentioned. (Ref: Ibid: 302-305)
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