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                       80  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024

                       ruling  of  disbelief  and  stated           the  Almighty,  the  angels,
                       that  they  held  beliefs  that  he          and  all  humanity  curse
                       attributed  to  Ibn  Abbas.                  them”. (Ibid: 187)
                       (Hakim Samarqandi, 2014: 182)

                         He  also  considered  the                  He  continued  by  quoting
                       Rafida, Ghalibian, and Lafdhiyah          Ibn     Musa       Faqih,     who
                       as disbelievers. (Ibid: 183-185)          mentioned that the scholars of

                         Of  course,  when  it  comes            Medina  agreed  on  twelve
                       to  the  Karramiyyah  sect,  he           issues  that  led  to  disbelief.
                       narrated  a  detailed  Hadith,            (Ibid:  188)  However,  he
                       indicating  that  the  Prophet            raised these issues in thirteen

                       Muhammad  had  predicted  a               sections, not twelve. (Ibid: 189)
                       group  that  would  fast  during             ‘Ash’ari,  in  his  book
                       the  day  and  worship  during            “Ibanah”,  considered  the

                       the  night  but  they  were               Mu'tazila, Jahmiyah, Haruriyyah,
                       hypocrites in their deeds.                and Murji'ah as deviant sects,
                         They  will  emerge  from                and,  regarding  the  Mu'tazila,

                       Khorasan  and  their  leader  is          he  stated  that  many  of  the
                                                                 misguided  are  among  the
                       from  Sistan  in  the  East  of
                       Iran.    He      called     them          Mu'tazila. (Ashari, 2009: 134-141)

                       Karramiyyah  and  declared                   The severe criticism in this
                       them  to  be  disbelievers,               book  is  mainly  directed
                       stating  that  their  mischief            towards the Mu'tazila since in

                       would  be  worse  than  the               Ashari's viewpoint, the Mu'tazila
                       mischief of the  Dajjal. (Ibid:           have  based  the  interpretation
                       186-187)                                  of  the  divine  book  on  their

                         Furthermore,  he  quoted  a             own  opinions,  without  being
                       saying     of     the    Prophet          based  on  the  sayings  of  the
                       Muhammad:                                 Prophet  Muhammad,  or  the
                         “Curse  be  upon  the  one              early  generations.  (Anwari,

                         who follows him, may Allah              2000, Vol. 9: 52)
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