Page 89 - Pure Life 38
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88 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
Cowardice and pusillanimity of moral virtues and vices.
have been disapproved by the Keeping the soul moderated in
infallible Imams (PBUT) in the faculty of concupiscence is
many cases. For instance, Imam more important than the two
Ali (PBUH) said, previously mentioned faculties
Be wary of cowardice for it since it deviates much from
is indeed disgraceful and a moderation toward al-Ifrāṭ Wa
deficiency (Āmadī Tamīmī, al-Tafrīṭ (Lahiji, 2021: 265).
1989: Ḥadīth 272). • ‘Iffat (Chastity) as al-
'I'tidāl (Moderation)
3.3. Faculty of Concupiscence
Side of the Faculty of
The faculty of concupiscence Concupiscence
has a pivotal role in man’s To define ‘Iffat lexically and
perfection since it helps him to technically, the author of the
control his desires and joys. Man book Akhlāq-i Islāmī wrote,
in this faculty attracts everything ‘Iffat (chastity) means to
pleasant and desirable including save the soul from
sexual ones as well as eating, disagreeable deeds in
drinking, wearing, etc. The lexical meaning, but in
faculty of concupiscence, Ethics, it is called for
likewise the faculties of intellect moderate status comes
and anger, consists of two sides into being for the faculty
namely, al-'I'tidāl (moderation) of concupiscence and
and al-Ifrāṭ Wa al-Tafrīṭ protects man from al-
(exaggeration and simplicity). Ifrāṭ Wa al-Tafrīṭ
Noticeably, the moderate (Davoodi, 2020: 142).
side is called ‘Iffat (chastity). Numerous traditions are found
In contrast, the exaggeration to admire chastity. For instance,
and simplicity sides are called Imam Ali (PBUH) said,
Sharah (greediness) and The best worship is
Khomūd (subsidence) chastity (Narāqī, 2002,
respectively, every one of Vol.2:22).
which might be an offspring Also,