Page 149 - Pure Life 08
P. 149

167  / ( An Explanatory Model of Word Selection in the Translation of the Holy Quran

                  Analyzing  the  Translation  of  the  Chapter
                  Al-Fātiha (The Opening)
                      1.  In the name of Allah, the All-merciful, the Gracious
                  The verse has two basic parts:
                     Bi-smi-llāh  (preposition  +  noun  +  noun;  Bi-  is  a

                  preposition  meaning  by,  with,  etc.;  Ism  –  meaning
                  name; Allah – meaning God in Islam) and Raḥmānir-
                  raḥīm (two adjectives widly used as two qualities of
                  God, both mean merciful but in different ways.)
                     The word Rahman, as it is popularly recognized
                  among  some  commentators,  refers  to  the  General
                  Mercy  of  Allah  which  is  bestowed  upon  all
                  creatures_  among  them  are  the  believers  and  the
                  disbelievers,  good-doers  and  evildoers.  So,  the
                  preferred equivalent for Rahman could be 'the All-
                  merciful'  and  the  word  Rahim  referring  to  that
                  Specific  Mercy  which  is  endowed  upon  the
                  believing, obedient servants alone.
                     Christian Trinitarian formula is "In the name of
                  the  Father,  the  Son  and  the  Holy  Spirit."  So  the
                  phrase  'In  the  name'  is  the  exact  equivalent  for
                  bism-  i in Arabic.
                     The word Allah mainly used by Muslims to refer
                  to  God  in  Islam,  and  it’s  the  most  complete  and
                  comprehensive  name  among  the  God's  many
                  names.  This  is  because  each  of  Allah's  names,
                  which are found in the Holy Qur'an, truly reflects
                  one particular aspect of Allah's Attributes.

                  1. See:
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