Page 151 - Pure Life 08
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165  / ( An Explanatory Model of Word Selection in the Translation of the Holy Quran

                     It also aims to look at a retranslation that would
                  be perfect in form and content, enhancing the field
                  of the Qur'an translation.
                     This is obvious translating the Qur'an as a need
                  arose in those historic circumstances when a large
                  number  of  non-Arab  people  had  embraced  Islam
                  while  they  had  no  idea  about  what  the  Quran  is
                  talking about.
                     Today, we have access to numerous translations of
                  the Qur'an in different Languages including English.
                     Some  translation  experts  try  to  remove  the
                  defects  related  to  the  translation  of  the  Qur'an,
                  using the latest findings of translation methods. But
                  despite  all those  efforts,  a  strong need  remains in
                  the  field  of  translation  and  yet  a  great  deal  of
                  critique is felt in this field.
                     By  a  careful  investigation  and  research  through
                  different  translations  and  variable  methods  it  could
                  be said that the faithful translation would be the ideal
                  method to translate Qur'an, due to its high precision
                  and eloquence. According to P. Netmark (2006):
                         "A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the
                         precise  contextual  meaning  of  the  original
                         [text]  within  the  constraints  of  the  TL
                         grammatical structures.

                  1. M. Ayoub, 'Translating the Meaning of the Quran: Traditional
                  Opinions and Modern Debates', in Afkar Inquiry, Vol. 3, No. 5
                  (Ramadan 1406/May 1986), pp. 9-34).
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