Page 166 - Pure Life 31
P. 166

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (165

               democracy.  The  notion  of               Furthermore, the Velayat-e
               Velayat-e Faqih relies on the          Faqih notion is based on the

               establishment  of  Islamic             three  hypotheses  of  God's
               government. This idea was              sovereignty  on  existence,

               first  raised  by  the  Prophet        implementation  of  Islamic
               Muhammad          upon      the        decrees and people's allegiance
               revelation  of  Islam  and             to the establishment. In order
               continued afterwards by the            to  make  these  hypotheses

               Shia scholars after the start          come true, the leader of the
               the Imam Mahdi's occultation           society  is  required  to  meet
               as  to  who  would  be                 three  conditions;  namely,

               responsible  for  people's             expertise  in  Islamic  law,
               religion  and  lifestyle.  The         justice  and  competence.
               discussions  about  imamate            (Ref: Shakerin, 2013: 68-222)

               and justice helped complete               This theory requires people
               debate on Velayat-e Faqih.             to meet the three conditions
                  To that effect, the Imam            of  obedience,  supervision

               Khomeini says:                         and  allegiance.  Obedience
                  Today  and  forever,  the           means  people  are  not
                  existence  of  a  supreme           authorized to make legislation,
                  authority, i.e. a custodian         (Ref:     Imam      Khomeini,

                  ruler who will look after           2010: 44) supervision means
                  Islamic order and law is            Vali-e  Faqih  or  ruling
                  a must. (Imam Khomeini,             supreme cleric is legitimate

                  2010: 40)                           as  long  as  he  is  just  (Ref:
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