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               166  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022

               Imam Khomeini, 2010: 73)               stresses people's sovereignty
               and      allegiance      means         while calling for an elected
               people's  acceptance  of  the          establishment,  civil  and
               Vali-e Faqih. (Amid Zanjani,           political freedoms.

               1999, Vol. 2: 208)
                  The  notion  of  Velayat-e          Sociological Study of Pahlavi
               Faqih, which was mainly a              Collapse
               redefinition  of  religious            Neopatrimonialism,  which

               topics, was faced with new             is    derived     from     Max
               issues  after  the  Islamic            Weber's  patrimonialism,  is
               Revolution and it prompted             one of famous sociological

               the  clergy  to  have  a               views        about       ruling
               reasonable view of religion.           establishments. This theory
               The product of these efforts           is  largely  adaptable  to  the

               was  the  development  of  a           Pahlavi regime, particularly
               new  political  theory  which          the     tenure      of    Shah
               combined  the  divine  and             Mohammad  Reza  Pahlavi;

               people  rules.  For  this              the period when the method
               reason,  Article  56  of  the          of  governance  prompted
               Constitution  of  the  Islamic         the clergy to rise up against
               Republic (1989) underscores            the ruling regime.

               on  one  side  the  divine                Neopatrimonialism is seen
               sovereignty  and  protection           mainly  in  the  Middle  East
               of  traditional  and  religious        regimes. Autocracy, strictly

               values and on the other side it        centralized power, and neglect
                                                      of  traditional  constraints
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