Page 193 - Pure Life 31
P. 193
192 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
- The right of access to help us lead a healthy
health facilities, goods life. They include: Safe
and services on a non- drinking water and adequate
discriminatory basis, sanitation, Safe food,
especially for vulnerable adequate nutrition and
or marginalized groups: housing, Healthy working
Access must be non- and environmental conditions.
discriminatory, and especially (WHO and OHCHR, 2008)
the most marginalized and - The right to enjoy: This
vulnerable sections of right emphasizes the right
society must be able to of citizens to a health
access and benefit from care system based on
goods, services and health providing equal opportunities,
centers, both legally and The right to prevent,
in practice. treat and control the
- Comprehensive right to disease, The right to access
health: We frequently essential medicines, The
associate the right to right to timely and equal
health with access to access to basic health
health care and the services, education and
building of hospitals. health information and to
This is correct, but the participate in health
right to health extends decision-making for all.
further. It includes a wide
range of factors that can