Page 194 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (193

                  - Getting rid of degrading             experimentation.  On  the
                  and unsatisfactory behavior:           other  hand,  the  United

                  This  aspect  emphasizes               Nations  has  adopted  the
                  the     liberation     from            principles  of  medical

                  treatment without patient              ethics  regarding  the  role
                  consent,  such  as  the                of  health  workers  and
                  prohibition of experiments             has  issued  guidelines  to
                  and  research  without                 protect  prisoners  and

                  consent.  In  this  regard,            detainees from inhumane
                  Article 7 of the International         treatment and punishment.
                  Covenant  on  Civil  and               (UNGA,1982)

                  Political  Rights  (1966)              - Social Determinants of
                  explicitly prohibits medical           Health:  It  means  the
                  and scientific experiments             conditions in which people

                  on human beings without                are  born,  grow  and  live,
                  their  full  knowledge  of             work  and  grow  old.
                  the  limits  and  scope  of            These situations are shaped

                  the  experiment:  No  one              by  the  distribution  of
                  shall  be  subjected  to               money and wealth, power
                  torture or to cruel, inhuman           and  resources  at  the
                  or degrading treatment or              global, national and local

                  punishment. In particular,             levels. (WHO, 2017) For
                  no one shall be subjected              example,  there  is  a
                  without  his  free  consent            significant      correlation

                  to  medical  or  scientific            between  poverty  and
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