Page 198 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (197
people reached 200,000 and requirements, including general
more than 25,000 people emergency requirements, to
were reported dead. Hence, combat coronary heart disease.
Italy had one of the most In creating a state of
critical conditions among emergency, a set of legal
the countries of the world. principles must be observed.
To deal with this These principles include
unprecedented catastrophe, some aspects of the legal
the Government decided to system, including the principle
use the tools of emergency of continuity and the
legislation provided for in principle of conformity in
Article 77 of the the provision of public
Constitution. (Gatta, 2020) services and some refer to
The Government shall not, public rights and freedoms,
unless properly delegated including the rule of law,
by the Chambers, issue the principle of
decrees having the value proportionality and the
of law. (Italy's Constitution, principle of precaution.
1947: Article 77) Paying attention to these
principles can, on the one hand,
Accordingly, Countries have regulate crisis management
used three models of mild, and, on the other hand,
moderate, and severe or prevent gross violations of
authoritarian restraint based legitimate rights and freedoms,
on two specific legislative especially personal information
or compliance with general