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               196  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022

               positive  intervention  for            to    take     measures       to
               third parties from violating           implement  the  executive
               the right to health of others.         budget, judicial budget and
               In    this    approach,      the       etc,  to  realize  and  enforce

               Government  is  obliged  to            these rights. (Eide et al, 2001)
               provide the necessary health              Whenever a state's public
               education using the correct            order  is  compromised  in
               and valid education content.           terms  of  security,  health,

               Provide  all  sections  of             and public service delivery,
               society, monitor the quality           Governments  use  tools  to
               of    food     or     medicine         prevent, manage, reduce, and

               production,  avoid  air  and           compensate. These tools are
               water  pollution.  The  duty           used  at  different  levels  in
               to fulfill the right to health         emergency  situations.  For

               means  the  duty  of  the              example, the first coronary
               Government  to  create  the            heart  disease  in  Italy  was
               conditions  for  people  to            registered  in  late  January

               have the right to health and           2020,  and  then  in  a  short
               take the necessary measures            time, especially in the north
               to  meet  the  needs  of               of  the  country,  the  spread
               individuals regarding health,          of the disease became very

               which  is  often  done  in  the        large.  The  situation  was
               form of comprehensive and              such  that  by  the  end  of
               detailed plans. In this regard,        April;  ie  in  three  months,

               the  Government  is  obliged           the  number  of  infected
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