Page 196 - Pure Life 31
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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (195
ordinary illness is contrary to be in compliance with the
the fundamental principles laws, Islamic rules and
of human rights, such as human rights, along with
respect for the dignity, judicial supervision, compensation
independence, freedom of and providing the basic
will, the principle of self- necessities of life for the
determination, and patients patients. (Khosravi, 2020)
have the right to refuse It is important to note
treatment, but in situations that the right to health, like
like the Corona pandemic other human rights, is a
outbreak, Life-saving therapeutic duty for Governments to
interventions are imposed their citizens. Governments'
on patients by the commitment to the right to
Government to protect public health, like other human
health benefits. (Byrn, 1975) rights, is realized at three
The protection of public levels: Respect refers to the
health is one of the basic negative aspect of
duties and responsibilities Governments' commitment and
of the Government, so means the Government's
whenever it is threatened, refusal to intervene directly
the Government can, or indirectly negatively in
according to the law, ignore the right to health. The
the consent of patients who duty to protect the right to
threaten public health. Of health has a positive aspect
course, these impositions must and means the Government's