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               194  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022

                  communicable  diseases.             situation       where        the
                  The  map  of  areas  living         individual's illness does not
                  on less than $ 2 a day is           harm  others  or  public
                  consistent with the malaria         health or is not contagious.

                  and tuberculosis distribution       Thus, Treatment of patients
                  map. (Alsan et al, 2011)            with Covid-19 is mandatory,
                  Poverty  leads  to  poor            either  with  the  informed
                  nutrition     and    health,        consent of the individual or

                  ignorance,       lack      of       by  force;  Because  this
                  adequate health care, and           disease is contagious and if
                  large-scale political instability,   the infected person refuses,

                  which  are  the  best               it  will  cause  the  spread  of
                  conditions for the spread           the disease, the violation of
                  of  infectious  diseases.           the right to health of others

                  On  the  other  hand,               and        public       health.
                  infectious diseases cause           (McConnell, 2000)
                  serious  damage  to  the               Therefore, based on such

                  economic situation, social          interests, the Government has
                  unrest, political instability       a  moral  and  legal  obligation
                  and poverty. (Ebrahimgol            to     treat    all    patients
                  et al, 2021)                        appropriately based on their

                                                      right to receive medical and
                  The exercise of the right           rescue interventions. Suspension
               to  treatment,  based  on  the         of the  informed  consent of

               principle of self-determination        individuals  regarding  an
               and  autonomy,  is  in  a
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