Page 216 - Pure Life 31
P. 216

Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (215

                   6.  Compensation         for           -  Deferment  of  water
                      Victims                             and electricity costs
               Corona has greatly affected                - Postponement of gas costs

               all  aspects  of  human  life,             -    Postponement         of
               including biological, health,              municipal costs
               economic, cultural, and social             -  Fixing  the  effect  of

               dimensions. One of the most                returned checks
               important  aspects  of  this               - Providing lower interest
               pandemic  is  the  huge                    rate  loans  with  a  three-

               financial  losses  to  various             month  grace  period  for
               businesses        and      only            affected businesses
               Governments can compensate                 -  Forgiveness  of  tax

               them,  due  to  the  scope  of             debt offenses
               its  authority  and  resources             -  Automatic  renewal  of
               available.  In  Iran,  for                 licenses

               example, the Corona National               -  Social  support  aimed
               Headquarter  has  taken  a                 at  reducing  the  social
               number  of  decisions  to                  effects  of  the  corona

               support businesses: (Center                economic  shock.  (Ref:
               for  Presidential  Strategic               Mahra, 2020)

               Studies, 2021)
                   -  Deferment  of  bank                 7.  Judicial  and  Political

                   installments                              Responsibility
                   -  Employer  premium               Along with the existence of
                   deferral                           various  liabilities  for  the
                                                      Government,  it  is  possible
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