Page 197 - Pure Life 33
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               196  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               why  should  we  accept  that          variables       would        be
               Hawking’s model describes              invariable  in  time,  leading

               the  reality  of  the  world  in       to a solid and static system
               those speculative situations           within  which  the  quantum
               of     its     creation      (or       vacuum  fluctuations  would

               emergence)?  That  is,  why            be basically impossible.
               should  we  still  not  believe           In      fact,     in      all
               in  the  standard  models              fundamental  theories  of

               according  to  which  there            physics, i.e: The theories of
               was  a  singularity  and  the          special       and       general
               start point of time?                   relativity, quantum mechanics,

                  If it is the case that “Any         and even in the superstring
               real,  observable  quantity            theory,     the     distinction
               has  to  be  expressed  by  a          between  the  temporal  and

               real number”, (Cavalleri, 1988)        the     spatial    dimensions
               then        Hawking-Hartle's           survives. So, it is not clear
               imaginary time would be a              what  exactly  the  physical
               matter of fiction.                     meaning           of         the

                  Moreover, quantum vacuum            transformation of time into
               fluctuation  involves  the             space is.
               change      of    a    physical           For      the     sake      of

               variable  at  two  different           argument,  however,  let  us
               real times. The omission of            assume        that     whether
               the      time       dimension          something is real or unreal

               jettisons  the  concept  of            is  determined  by  physical
               chronological  juxtaposition.          theories,  and  consequently,
               Consequently,  the  physical           the  imaginary  time  of  the
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