Page 200 - Pure Life 33
P. 200
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (199
has chosen the most similar to saying that since
implausible option: He the subtraction of one
sacrifices what is so number from an equal
obvious- that, “the universe number equals zero, then
in which we exist lapses in the numbers are the
real rather than imaginary demonstration of nothingness.
time”- (Craig and Smith, Those are the existent
1995: 319) in favor of his energies, whether or not
hypothetical model. positive and negative,
He claims that our which provide the actual
universe’s existing in real source to create the
time is just an illusion, and particles, not non-existent
“what we call real time is or zero outcome of energies.
just a figment of our Also, branding the particles
imaginations”. (Hawking, or energies as either
1997: 144) negative or positive is
In addition to the above merely a human convention
physical and philosophical that demonstrates different
problems, it is not hard to kinds of existent matter or
show that Hawking’s energy.
analysis of the creation of Moreover, as we
the world out of nothing is explained already, the
untenable. quantum mechanical vacuum
Saying that if the not only is not truly
addition of two energies “nothing”, but has a rich
equals zero, then they structure that resides in a
represent nothingness, is previously existing substratum