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               200  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               of      space-time,       either       only  metaphorically  a  zero
               Minkowski  or  de  Sitter              three-geometry”.

               space-time. In other words,               However,       as     Isham
               virtual     particles    which         (1988:  399-400)  explains,
               appear  within  a  vacuum,             the  Hawking-Hartle  model

               are  indeed  appearing  in  a          presupposes       “a     single
               space that already exists.             configuration  point”  upon
                  Some (e.g: Krauss, 2012:            which  the  wave  function

               161-170) have claimed that             that  gives  the  probability
               quantum gravity could allow            amplitude for the beginning
               space  itself  to  pop  into           of the universe depends.

               existence.                                Smith, however, believes
                  However,         as       we        that  there  is  still  no
               mentioned       already,    one        problem  with  the  creation

               obvious  problem  with  this           of the world out of nothing
               claim  is  that  a  satisfactory       in     this    model.      For,
               formulation  of  quantum               “configuration  space  and
               gravity does not yet exist.            state  space  of  quantum

                  Smith (1997: 298) claims            gravity     cosmology        are
               that  “zero-three  geometry            timeless  abstract  objects
               [i.e:  A  single  point]  in           (“mathematical        spaces”)

               Hawking-Hartles models is              rather      than       physical
               indeed      a    metaphorical          existents”. (Smith, 1998: 77)
               talking of nothingness” and               That  is  to  say,  from

               that  “[p]roperly  speaking,           Smith’s (1998: 77) point of
               the  universe  appears  from           view,  “literally  nothing”  is
               literally  nothing,  which  is         only incompatible with “the
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